We have a partnership with the education department of the city of Chernihiv and when the necessary funds are collected we conclude a tripartite agreement between the “Angels of Freedom” Foundation, the education department and the contractor responsible for organizing work on equipping shelters for kindergartens and schools.

The contract includes an estimate of the costs of the purchased goods and work payments. After receiving the funds, the contractor begins to carry out the work and purchase the necessary furniture. Upon completion, the education department of the city of Chernihiv accepts the work and furniture.

Moreover, our founders personally visit the facilities under our care twice a year, inspect the work performed and accept it from the fund side.

Help EQUIPPING shelters in Ukrainian schools and kindergartens

Біз біргеміз! Ми разом!

So the children can continue their education in war conditions

The “Angels of Freedom” project began in Kazakhstan in June 2022, when our volunteers responded to a Ukrainian call for assistance to the schools in Chernihiv. After negotiations with the Chernihiv education department and a visit to the local schools, the project’s founders in Kazakhstan, Iryna Semenchuk and Yevgeniy Ribalko, urged Kazakhs to support one of the Chernihiv schools. Initially, the project was envisioned as a one-time campaign.

Thanks to our donors’ generosity, we could equip a shelter for one school. Following this, other schools and kids’ daycares reached out, and the project began to expand. In January 2023, we registered a public foundation in Kazakhstan. The project has helped equip shelters in three schools and five kindergartens in Chernihiv.

The project now unites over 110 volunteers from 7 countries. Join us, and let’s make the world a kinder place together!

Conditions for Children in Crisis Zones

According to data from Air-alarms.in.ua, since February 24, 2022, Chernihiv and its surrounding areas have experienced 1,552 air raid alarms, the average duration of which was over 1 hour and 5 minutes each, totaling 1,685 hours that children have spent in shelters.

Long stays in underground shelters without a proper ventilation system, along with conditions of high humidity, the presence of unpleasant odors, and mold, significantly worsen children’s health,” says Oksana Simchenko, a physician from Astana.
The risk of allergic diseases and endocrine system issues increases, and high levels of carbon dioxide lead to respiratory complications, irritation of the mucous membranes, and decreased concentration and attention.
During an air raid alarm at kindergarten nap times, children are abruptly awakened and moved to shelters, where they are expected to resume their sleep. This requires compact, three-tiered beds to maximize space.
Similarly, if an alarm interrupts a school lesson, students must continue their education or tests in the shelter, necessitating proper desks and chairs.
We are actively fundraising to develop safer, more comfortable shelters for these children. Essential improvements include air regeneration systems, electrical wiring, lighting, and furniture.
Every contribution to these initiatives is essential.
Thank you for your support—it truly makes a difference.

How can YOU help?

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Follow the link above, any help is appreciated.
We are ready to provide boxes with Angels to collect donations by QR code. Donation for one angel is 2500 tenge.
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Gain our talisman — the Angel of Freedom

We participate in fairs and festivals, hold master classes, hackathons and lectures for everyone, as well as “tolokas” where Angels of Freedom are made. More details in our calendar.

Our team is always in need of specialist volunteers.

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